Standing On The Promises

I will keep my responses short and easy to understand.

What is Mitt Romney’s plan?  It is a “strong plan” to restore America.

First, Obama has no plan of what he will do if elected for four more years, at least one I have heard him present on TV or on his website.  So I will always go with a “man with a great plan” over an opponent who has none.

Second, Romney will help champion small businesses by reducing taxes and regulations.  Push through the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.  Obamacare will only take us further down the road to Socialized medicine.  Romney will Not raise taxes but lower them so that the average person will be able to keep more of his money.

Third, Romney will cut the massive and out of control deficit by capping federal spending,  giving back to the States those programs they can implement more effectively.  Consolidate or eliminate those parts of the federal government that we don’t need.

Fourth, Romney will help open new markets for our Country through out the World.  Create a Reagan Economic Zone to make stronger our Free Enterprise System.

Fifth, Romney will focus job training skills on building for the future and bring back manufacturing to this Country.  Attract and retain the best and brightest in and out of our Country to help us stay the Country the World wants to move to and live.

Sixth, Romney will approve the Keystone pipeline to start with and open up Federal lands for development so that by 2020 we become energy independent from the Middle East.

Seventh, the Real Unemployment rate is about 14.6% and has not move from that number during the last 4 years.  Obama has squandered his chance and it is time to put a Real Businessman in charge.  Romney’s administration will stand up against China and there  unfare currency manipulation and business policies.

Eighth, Romney will not usurp the Constitution like Obama has over the last four years.  He will bring back the strong image of America so that our Friends will walk along us and our Enemies will know we mean what we say.

Ninth, it is about the Economy although as each day goes by we find more and more about Bengahzi and what has really happened.  This alone may push more to vote for Mitt Romney.

Tenth, what put me further into being a supporter of Mitt Romney was when he picked Paul Ryan as his running mate for Vice President.

Bottom Line is “We The People” can’t stand for four more years with Obama or we will wind up like Greece.  Just seeing them standing together at the last two debates you have to ask yourself, which one looks and acts more Presidential?  (I have never liked Obama from Day One, there was and is something wrong with what he believes and I saw more evidence in the movie “2016”. ) And, the answer is without a doubt Mitt Romney?

I write this post so that all of my friends on Facebook and those not on Facebook will know where I stand, unafraid to speak out my stances on politics.  Mitt Romney is not perfect, no man is nor will be but Mitt Romney is the best choice for the next President.

Oh, one final point. It comes down to the fact that Romney is more Truthful and Honest than Obama.

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