I am writing this letter on December 12, 2012 to be read when you graduate from a private non governmental High School in the year 2028.
First of all, I want to apologize for how things have turned out in our Country. A large part of my generation did not stand up and go out and vote in November 2012 to get rid of the narcissistic Socialist President Barack Obama. Also a large number of young voters believed his crap and believed they would be given all sorts of goodies if he was reelected for a second term. Because of this our Country was on a course of major decline. Also the abomination known as Obamacare put us faster on the road to destruction.
The United States of America use to be where lots of people in other Countries wanted to come and build a future for their family. This is not true any more due to a lot of factors. This all goes back to the year 1913 when The Federal Reserve was illegally created by Congress. This created what is called a FIAT money system. From history we have learned that NO Country that has used this type of monetary system survived longer than 100 years. We would be lucky to make it 2014.
The problem with our economy was actually very simple and could have easily be fixed with massive cuts in our spending. The problem was that all Obama could think of was “Tax The Rich”. This came from his up bringing and his mentors. There were many other problems but most of all in my opinion “We The People” lost our way because of lack of morality and the disintegration of the Family.
I really hope that when you are reading this that I was really wrong about the above and things turned out totally different and that we were able despite what happened in 2012 to turn this Country back to what it was founded on originally.